Thursday, November 30, 2006

Advent calendar complete!

Check out my craft blog, , for details and photos.


  1. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Wow! That is beautiful. Although the subtle shading of color may cause blindness, it also causes a nice depth and beauty in the artwork.

    - MLF

  2. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Jews don't do Advent Calendars. However, we do something called "Counting the Omer." There is more about counting the omer at or at The basic jist of the Omer is that you note the days between the holiday of Passover (Easter) and the holiday of Shavu'ot (Festival of Weeks).

    Have you seen anyone making an Omer Calendar in the style of an Advent Calendar?

  3. I haven't seen any patterns for a calendar that counts the Omer. This may be because Advent is sort of a celebration for Christians (complete with small treats each day, if you do that sort of calendar) while Omer seems to be more about abstention, based on the web sites you listed.

    If you wanted to make one, I would suggest that you make a grid similar to the one in my calendar. Then make counters for the 50 days - you could use Hebrew numbers, or just a generic symbol like a star - to attach to the calendar each day when you finish the prayer.

    I guess for the design at the top you could use the verses of scripture that describe the Omer - that would look nice in Hebrew on sort of a scroll background.

    Let me know if you decide to make one - I'd love to see how it turned out!

  4. Anonymous11:54 AM

    - MLF
