Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Must-see tv

Well, not actually tv, more of a kick-ass home video made by someone with wicked editing skills and access to a green screen. And a cute kid. And a Queen song. Yes, I plan to marry my daughter off to this kid as soon as she's legal in whichever state he comes from.

I seriously laughed so hard I have to go change my undies, but since I'm on day 3 of a wicked case of what I suspect to be that mysterious "Norwalk-like virus" that people keep catching on cruise ships, needing fresh undies is really nothing new for me. Trust me, when I'm reduced to eating Jell-O and plain rice, and I am drinking the Pedialyte left over from my daughter's last illness, you do NOT want the details. If only I had caught this on a cruise ship, at least I could have spent the last few days visiting toilets in tropical locations, rather than cooped up in my house. Oh, well. At least we didn't have to pay cruise ship prices for an illness this fun!


  1. Ugh. Hope you get to feeling better. We've got the massive head cold thing that you had the pleasure of dealing with a couple of weeks ago. It sucks being sick, but it seems so much worse when you have a baby that can't blow his nose. He seems sooo miserable! Get better soon! We have some shopping to do!

  2. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Ahhh, the joys of winter: snot, Pedialyte, and incontinence. I, too, hope that you feel better.

    BTW, thanks for the video link. It had better production value than most of the MTV videos!
    - MLF

  3. Anonymous1:27 PM

    That video rocks!!

    Hope you are starting to feel better by now.

