Monday, May 28, 2007

Things I wish I'd never seen

Every now and again I find something on eBay that just makes me wish I'd gone to bed a few minutes sooner. Here's one:

Why on earth would anyone think a swimsuit pageant would be a fun activity for 2-YEAR-OLDS???? And who would spend $200 on a swimsuit for a 2-year-old? And how the hell did the seller get her daughter to sit still to put that much eye makeup on her (see second photo in the listing).

(since the listing is going to expire soon, here's the photo:

Check out the seller's other listings ... the one where her daughter is getting crowned and someone has to hold the crown on her head because her head's too small just makes me throw up a little in my mouth.


  1. Anonymous7:40 AM

    When the whole JoBennett thing went down, I was shocked and dismayed what some mothers do to project their dreams into their little girls lives. However, while visiting Katherine we saw the movie "Little Miss Sunshine", it gives a somewhat different spin and a healthy dose of sarcasm to the gaudy pagants. K's mom

  2. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Ickk! I was hoping we had evolved past this sort of thing.

