Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Fairy tales

Part of the reason I've been so silent this past week is that I've turned our house into a Lazy Mama sweatshop, enlisting the assistance of anyone who stands still for 2 minutes to help out with something, anything. I'm trying to get my etsy shop back up, and releasing several new patterns, and trying to make samples for a new shop that's selling my patterns ... and my mother is also trying to duplicate one of Liza's beloved dresses in the 15 seconds each day she's not on child-care duty or helping to sew stuff for etsy. The sewing room is about ankle deep in stuff, and I haven't actually seen the top of my cutting table in a week. If only I didn't still have the sniffles, things would be great.

Of course, Liza is only marginally useful when it comes to sweatshop labor (just wait until next year ... we'll have her paying her keep in no time!). So she's been designated as the entertainment committee, with a whole trunk full of dressup clothes as her props. Her current favorite outfit:

I'm fairly certain she learned that move at Tiffany's Escort and Adult Entertainment Academy. See, I told you the lessons would pay off someday!

It's exhausting to watch her dancing around like a fairy, especially for those who have to be on guard against flying tiaras and exuberantly poking fingers ...

Video will be available once I have the chance to edit it without her on my lap yelling "Butterfly again! Butterfly again!" in my ear. Nothing this kid likes better than watching herself on the computer.


  1. Anonymous10:35 AM

    We look forward to the return of the Etsy Shop.

  2. Anonymous1:36 AM

    She is just the cutest!!!

  3. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Old Zach looks totally exhausted!
    K's mom

  4. Beautiful kid. Dress looks very nice!!
