Monday, August 13, 2007


Today's naptime accomplishments:
- Read e-mail and blog posts
- Update blog
- Paint drawer fronts and outlet covers. Stare moodily at collection of 1 1/4" screws in jar in basement.
- Take shower, including a brief encounter with shaving cream and a sharp blade.
- Check eBay sales to see if anyone has paid yet.

and ... she's up. Fooey. I have about 40,000 other things to finish like, um, today. Gotta go rescue her from whatever foul thing is apparently trying to eat her limbs one by one, ending with her mouth, which will continue to yowl well into next week if I don't get her soon. Sigh


  1. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Thank you for updating the blog.
    - MLF

  2. If I even got half of the stuff done during a nap time that you do, I'd be thrilled. I think you're an over-achiever that makes the rest of us slackers look really bad. ;)
