Sunday, September 16, 2007

Date night

While we were in Cape May on vacation last week we managed to con Liza's grandparents into babysitting while Jason and I went on a Date. That's Date, not date, because I made him wear shoes that required socks.

We went out for dinner at Aleathea's (which we thoroughly enjoyed, and heartily recommend if you're in the area), then honed our skee-ball skills while winning a handful of tickets that we forgot to turn in before we left town. With time to kill before Liza was in bed and it was safe to return to the beach house, we headed over for some long-overdue mini golf.

Note the extreme care with which Jason is lining up this shot ... see, he's not even holding his Blackberry in one hand when he aims.

Apparently while I was admiring Jason's form, he was admiring mine ...

I don't know where those came from, but I'd like to order a pair to keep around for future use ... and yes, high heels and vodka do help my golf game, since I only lost by one point this time, and usually he skunks me and I have to sulk for like, oh, two years afterward. And I might not have lost at all if the mosquitos hadn't decended on the course en masse when the wind died ... stupid buggy beachfront golf courses.
More photos next week, after Liza and I complete Stage II of our vacation, otherwise known as "stay with Grandma and Grandpa so I have a babysitter while I hawk Lazy Mama patterns to every quilt store within 100 miles of their house." Wish me luck!