Monday, June 23, 2008

My favorite new toy

While I really, really like the mis-constructed Happy Meal toy, I'm really referring to my new photo light box, which I finally got around to trying today. Geez, what a difference good lighting and a white background makes! Even the dumb toy looks good, not to mention things that are actually awesome to begin with, like the scarf I just finished ...

And that's with absolutely no editing other than a crop. Huzzah for not having to monkey with the color on every single freakin' product photo for my business!


  1. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Could you give us a little more background on the very happy "Happy Meal" toy? What is the purpose of the dongle in the middle?

  2. It's put together backwards - the dongle is supposed to be on the back. It's a lever that pops up Shrek trivia cards that are stored inside the gingerbread man.
