Sunday, June 29, 2008

Our little diplomat

"Okay. So. Please stop talking - there's something I want to talk about with you guys. Now. What would be the chances of me getting to do the 'all around the mulberry bush jump in your lap' thing again?"

I swear this is a word-for-word transcription, written down moments after we managed to stop holding in the laughter and treat her as seriously as she required.

Also, when trying to decide which toy to ride, she tends to ask, "Does this require a helmet?" which cracks me up every time.

Guess that whole "no babytalk" thing is working for us, huh?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:57 AM

    I think you have enough material to write a book about the first three years with Liza! Your observations, suggestions and solutions are superb and could be helpful to any first - or second .. - time mother and father.
    K's mom
