Thursday, May 07, 2009


Last year Liza made me a drawing of the yarn store we had visited earlier in the day.  I thought it was so cute that I decided to make it permanent by embroidering it, using my own yarn stash to add some color to what was originally a monochromatic drawing.  I finished it yesterday, and I'm still trying to decide how to display it, but I'm inordinately proud of the results:

For anyone who cares, I used embroidery thread and a stem stitch to make the "shelves."  The yarn I used for the "yarn" includes remnants of three pairs of socks I've made, including Liza's Christmas stocking and the first "real" pair of socks I ever made.  It's all stitched down by couching them with regular sewing thread, which by now I'm getting really good at.

I love the result.  Now I just have to decide how to display it ...


  1. That is such a cool way to preserve your child's artwork!

  2. That is such a cool way to preserve your child's artwork!
