Wednesday, January 06, 2010

10 things I've been doing instead of blogging

10. Reading other people's blogs.
9. Reading (and re-reading, and re-re-reading) the Twilight books.
8. Spending quality time with my family, trying to dig ourselves out of the cluttered shithole that is our basement.
7. Putting insulating Saran wrap over all the windows in the house, in hopes that it will help raise the temperature of our family room above 52F.
6. Buying a space heater, in hopes that it will help raise the temperature of our family room above 52F.
5. Putting a new damper and fireback in the fireplace, in hopes that it will ... yeah, that again.
4. Knitting my Shawl of Insanity. Fourteen rows to go now ... at only slightly more than an hour per row. And then a bind-off of 900+ stitches. Um, yay?
3. Reading more blogs. Lots more blogs.
2. Attempting not to eat anything until I fit back into my fat jeans again.
1. Snowblowing. Lots of snowblowing.


  1. A fireplace damper is a replaceable item?! Did it make a difference? Did it make a great mess?

  2. Anonymous5:24 PM

    By now we are all suffering from the Cold Winter Blues .... Your shawl of insanity will be mind blowing, when it is done, it is gorgeous! Keep plodding and shovelling and writing and ... and - it will come to an end. F

  3. Anonymous10:30 PM

    can't wait to see this shawl finished and modelled!! it is gorgeous!


  4. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Ah, the Cold Winter Blues, I think we all suffer from this now. Love your shawl, it is gorgeous. Think Spring, it will come!!! K's mom
