Monday, March 28, 2011

What I did on my spring break in Jamaica

I spent last week at a resort where there was a nanny to take care of my kid and I had no responsibilities other than to sit on the beach while enjoying the view and drinking Adult Beverages.  I knit an entire tank top, most of a size 13 man's sock, and 1/4 of a skirt for the kidlet.

I knit on the beach.

I knit on the balcony.

I knit on the beach again.

I knit on the balcony again.

I knit in the bar.

I did not knit on the glass-bottom boat (too wet), in the restaurant (too many nom-noms in the antipasto bar to try), or while sleeping (at least intentionally).

I also took more than 1,000 pictures and videos, read 3 books and played a lot of Angry Birds.

It was a good week.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. We were in the Caribbean over Spring Break, too. We were on the Yucatan side of the lake.

    We went swimming in caves. We climbed pyramids. We saw thousands of flamingos. We stayed in a Mayan pueblo where the folks had not yet made it to the second pig - the houses are made from sticks and straw. We hiked with spider monkeys and made tortillas over an open fire.

    But we did no knitting.

