Thursday, May 16, 2013

Building Barry, Day 15

All has been quiet on the home building front while we wait for our plans to be drawn up and for mortgage paperwork to be processed.  In a couple weeks we'll need to sign off on our plans and start making all of our "Design Center Selections," otherwise known as picking out flooring and cabinetry and faucets and such.  It's good to have a mental break from all the stressful decisions, even if it is only a week or two.

Our brains may be resting, but our hands and bodies have been busy getting our current house ready to sell.  We needed to move out a bunch of clutter and make a few cosmetic updates.  It doesn't sound like much, but it's exhausting, both mentally and physically.  At least all of the work is worth it when we see the rooms come together:

Master bedroom

Main bathroom


Second bedroom

Basement bathroom

Third bedroom

Family room

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