Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Only in my life ...

... is this considered a "day off":
  • Pack lunch and prepare breakfast for kid
  • Handle some paperwork online
  • Buy some Christmas gifts on mom’s behalf, online and in store
  • Buy some Christmas gifts on my behalf
  • Start winterizing the yard, including trimming trees, weeding and dead plant removal, bringing the last of the plant supports into the garage, refilling bird feeders
  • Mow grass and blow clippings off sidewalk
  • Handle mom’s paperwork, including sorting mail, paying bills, depositing checks, and buying postage
  • Text chat with friend whose life is as complicated as mine (actually, hers wins, at least this week)
  • Mail packages to help deal with the last of my grandmother’s estate from 2011
  • Mail packages for Jason 
  • Buy packaging materials for teacher gifts
  • Recycle stupid mercury-containing CFL bulb
  • Buy Christmas decorations for her room
  • Buy Christmas decorating supplies for my house
  • Buy birdseed
  • Reschedule medical appointments, employing the technique of, " Do you have anything sooner at another location? I’m not sure she’ll live long enough to make the suggested appointment date."
  • Pick the kid up from school
  • Buy cat food for mom’s cat (from the vet)
  • Deal with her hysterical/delusional phone call
  • Cook dinner
  • Convince kid to do homework and practice for her music lesson and clean up trash and art supplies from her Family Bush project and put the thing in the car so she doesn’t forget it tomorrow
  • Deal with phone call from facility nurse with lab results and tests that are upcoming
  • Research online: advanced bed sore treatment, pneumonia symptoms, palliative care options
  • Work on commissioned Christmas present for a friend of the family
  • Text friend about her experience with palliative and hospice care for her parent
  • Figure out how to be in two places at once with the kid while Jason is out of town (answer: lower standards about timely arrivals and departures)
  • Keep up my 276-day streak in Duolingo app
  • Write my daily blog post

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