Thursday, August 09, 2007

I have Figured It Out

My daughter's schedule:
9am - wake up
3 or 4pm - take a nap
8pm - be put to bed
11pm - finally stop reading books, jumping on the bed, losing slippers, losing favorite plastic bugs, getting stuck, throwing books on floor, attempting to rip closet doors off, etc. and go to sleep

Somehow, my daughter is suffering from West Coast jet lag, despite the fact that we haven't been out of our time zone in months. If you subtract three hours from all those times, she's back on her normal schedule.

So all I have to do is fly her out to visit my family in California, then come back, and it will be fixed, right? Because if I have to sit there for three hours listening to her crash around in her room one more time, that flight is going to start sounding like a good solution.

It's been six weeks since her bedtime started drifting later and later, and so far I haven't had the intestinal fortitude to try to reset her, what with all the tired whining that's going to entail (from both of us). But I guess I need to get her back on an earlier schedule before she starts her once-a-week preschool in September, so I'd better get moving.

That means I need to stop blogging and go get her up now, right? sigh ...


  1. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Hmmm, at what time does mama awake?

  2. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Maybe she is just adapting her sleep patterns to the longer days. It is hard to go to bed when it is still "daytime" out. Try giving her some quiet bed time rituals that she can only do in her room/bed, such as reading a favorite book or listening to a favorite tape. For your part, don't reward her negative behavior with bribes ("If you go to sleep, you can watch a video tomorrow") or rush in to see what she is up to when she makes a lot of noise. I know this is hard, but you can do it (try noise cancelling headphones)! She will get the message and settle down after a few days/weeks.
