Monday, August 13, 2007

reboot, schmeeboot

Friday night: asleep by 11:30pm, after us having to go in there three times. No star for her.
Saturday night: asleep by 10:30, I don't honestly remember if we had to go in.
Sunday night: asleep by 9:30, and we didn't have to go in.

Now if we could just convince her to let us turn the damn light off, we'd be set.


  1. Anonymous2:50 PM

    No star for Saturday either. I went in twice while you were at Target/Home Depot.


  2. Anonymous4:17 PM

    A thought about your comment about the light switch. With our kids, we have a lamp that they can turn on and off. We added a touch switch to the lamp and put a low-watt florescent bulb in the lamp.

    We put a touch switch on the lamp because:
    1) Their fingers are not strong enough to turn the switch
    2) We can put the bulb out of reach (even though it is a florescent bulb)
    3) It is fun.

    We used a florescent bulb because
    1) It generates almost no heat (thus less chance of fire)
    2) It has a plastic cover (thus less chance of glass shards)
    3) They need to get used to the awful light of florescent bulbs.

    Anyway, another possible solution.
    - MLF
