Friday, August 10, 2007

Hard reboot

As soon as I blog about my kid's routine, it goes and changes ...

Yesterday I woke Liza earlier than her recent time (around 8, I guess), and after running errands all morning she fell asleep in the car when we were 5 minutes from home . She wouldn't take a nap after that, so I got to deal with Cranky the Napless Wonder Child for the rest of the afternoon.

One of the morning's errands took us to Bed Bath and Beyond Awful, where I ended up buying a set of glow-in-the-dark stars for Liza's ceiling. We stuck one up last night, and I showed her how she could only see it when the lights were out ... not so effective when the sun came out at 8pm after a week of rain and haze, but she was impressed. I told her that if she got to sleep without me having to come in to sing to her again, she'd get another star for the ceiling tomorrow. And to try to prevent the whole "pull every book off the shelf and make an unstable landslide on the floor that she insists I help her pick up before she goes to sleep" routine, I packed her much-loved new Disney Princess backpack with a dozen of her favorite books and stuck it in bed with her. The result?

8:30 pm Thursday
Oh, thank god. We managed to watch TWO WHOLE EPISODES of Battlestar Galactica without the banging, thumping, whining, and crying going on overhead, she woke up at 7:30 this morning, and she went down for a nap by 1:30 this afternoon. We're having company over tonight, so I don't know how bedtime will go, but there's hope for our continued sanity after all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess it pays to periodically change her schedule? If you keep her schedule constantly mixed-up, then she never figures out the proper procrastination procedure?