Sunday, September 02, 2007

Oh, whatever

We won't discuss the number of accidents. Let's just say it was a lot, and most of them occurred when she was stuck in a car seat or exhausted from missing her nap, so I'll cut her some slack. This time.

Taking Liza to a baseball game was interesting, not least because for once I wasn't the person in our row who was least interested in the actual game. Liza had been to a game before (Jason took her to "Slider Potato Head Doll" day to get the toy, and they lasted for 2 1/2 innings before she lost it and they left), so when we told her we were taking Aunt Susan and Jeff to a game, she said rapturously, "Ohhhhhhh - POPCORN! And PRETZELS! And PEANUTS!" She's a girl after my own heart.

Liza enjoyed the Popcorn! and Peanuts!, eating about half of a giant bag of popcorn before I cut her off, and sucking about 1/5 of a container of nacho cheese off of the same nacho chip over and over again. She was in favor of the fireworks canon, which unfortunately we only got to see after the national anthem because the Indians sucked so bad today. She thinks the mascot Slider is going to try to molest her or something, going board-stiff and watching him out of the corner of her eye anytime he's within five sections of her seat. She enjoyed the singing, even the part in the seventh inning when it was blazing hot and we were running low on water and she really wanted to go home, or, as she put it, "Let's go to Liza's HOUUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSEEEEE NOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW!"

In fact, she liked "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" so much that she requested it as her lullaby tonight, and after I sang it twice she pitched in on the third round, managing to pull off at least half of the words well enough that a stranger could probably tell what she was singing. So what if it's "Take Me Out mumble mumble Hall Game" when she sings it?

The best part of the whole day was the fact that the air show was running today at the same time as the game, in a location that was perfectly situated for the jets to bomb overhead a couple times every hour, doing ridiculous maneuvers and breaking the sound barrier and stuff. When the F-16s fly so low you can see the paint job on them, it's a good sign you've got a good seat for the show. Liza was enthralled, even when they flew super low right over the stadium and pretty much half of the crowd had to change their underwear afterwards, they were that loud. She really liked when they flew in formation and used the smoke thingees so you could see their trails in the sky ... she calls them "rainbows." Between the rainbows and "castles" (skyscrapers), it was a pretty magical scene.

And since the Indians lost 8-0, I can get my oil changed at Mr. Tire this week for only $8, which I needed to do anyway. Hooray for attending a game that was so boring that even the gung-ho Indians sports radio talk show announcer described the Blue Angels performance as the best part of the game!

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