Saturday, September 01, 2007

potty update

One poop accident, one pee accident, both first thing in the morning (and while Jason was in charge, but he hasn't had much practice with the whole potty training thing, so I'll cut him some slack).

She's been clean and dry since about 10 this morning, including naptime, lunch, dinner, and a trip to the Berea Oktoberfest where she spent hours on the inflatable toddler play area. I had horrible, poo-filled visions of what was going to happen in the ball pit, but she did us proud.

I think she's saving it up for when we go to the Indians game tomorrow ... that should be fun.


  1. Anonymous1:55 PM

    How old is she now? I've lost track of the time. She is so adorable!
    We are going on vacation soon and I would like to send her a postcard. How would we do this?


  2. She's 28 months ... so 2 1/3 years, going on 35.

    Thanks for thinking of us! If you'd like, send me an e-mail to lazymamadesigns [at] yahoo [ dot ] com and I'll send you our address. We'll be on vacation pretty soon, too, so don't kill yourself trying to get in the mail next week.
