Wednesday, October 03, 2007

It's 9:37 pm, do you know where your audience is?

I've had 36 visits, and 4 comments. Ahem.


  1. Hello! Can't remember what brought me to your blog - but I'm almost 57 so give me a break! Whatever it was, once I started reading I have had to continue. I usually have a smile on my face by the time I am done reading one of your entries!

    I'm a Minnesotan living in exile here in Indianapolis, have 2 grown sons, and 2 little granddaughters and am a retired teacher.

    There, I feel better now about visiting Mind Flush:)

  2. Hello!

    Its Arlene. I've been thinking about you and your family and have been checking out the great pictures of Liza. Not sure that you are aware that we have moved to Reno. We are loving it out here.

  3. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Day late, but hello!

  4. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Sorry, but I was helping my wife give birth to third child. Esther Lailah was born at midnight.
    - MLF

  5. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Just wanted to let you know that we have finally posted pictures of our wonderful little Esther at Feel free to use the pictures as you wish.

