Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Remember, lurkers - today's your day to shine!

Today is the day of Schmutzie's great delurk, when all lurkers are encouraged to step up and say something in the comments section. Encouraged - that's the right word for "forced against their will, with threats of really boring future posts if you don't", right?

So, for the tongue-tied among us, I'll give you an optional topic. Since I had SOOOOOO much fun at the BMV this morning, let's all discuss our worst BMV or driving horror stories, shall we? Like the time you got pulled over on your way to a date, opened the glove compartment to get your registration, and a big box of condoms fell out on the floor ... or the time you rolled your car into a ditch and looked over to see your prom date hanging by her seatbelt ... or the time you ran over a cat while taking your driving test ... or the really bad breath the lady at the BMV counter has, you know, that sort of thing.

Best story will win something I haven't gotten around to posting in my etsy shop - all comments will be judged first thing tomorrow morning, so start typing, crew!


  1. My KY DMV horror story:

    I'm such a geek that when I went to take my driver's license here in KY (coming from IA) I actually protested one of the questions telling the sherriff (mind you) that there was more than one possible answer to the question (i.e. NOT mutually exclusive) and "You know you should probably revise this question so that it reads...blah blah blah" to which he responded "If you are actually attempting to CORRECT our test wording, I think you've passed". It was a BAD test (and I'm a BIG research methods nerd!!).

  2. My worst DMV story:

    I was 16 and my mom picked me up at school early so that I could take my driving test. The man who gave the test was notorious among the students for being mean. My mother, who was(is) known as a person who doesn't hold back, knew that he had this reputation. So, my mother and I walk into the DMV office so that I can take the test, and Mr. Meanie (he even looked mean) looks at my permit, the registration, insurance, etc. and doesn't smile, doesn't greet us, but just begins the test routine that he probably had to do 50 times per day. This lack of niceness bugs my mother who decides that that moment, the moment BEFORE my test, is the best moment to tell this guy he's a jerk. She tells him that he shouldn't be so mean to kids who are already nervous about taking the test, that everyone knows he's mean, that she's not surprised because he's a -insert last name- and she's never met one that she's liked, etc. I was mortified and convinced that any possibility of my passing the test had vanished. When he got in the car with me he told me that he didn't understand why my mom had a problem with him. I rolled my eyes and said that she was weird, or something similar (I was not above turning on her to get my license). I did end up passing, even though I did my round-about wrong - probably because he didn't want to have to see her a second time.

  3. i haven't had any horrible things happen to me at the DMV, but would it kill them to take better pictures?!

  4. "something in the comments section"

    Hey! You said to say something in the comments section, so that's what I did.

    Caught your blog from Cooks Talk back when you first started. I know she keeps you busy, but I really hate it when you don't have time to post something every day.


  5. Anonymous9:54 PM

    My DMV non horror story

    A few years ago I bought a non running sports car to restore and needed to change the title to my name. DMV in Delaware said that I needed to bring in the car to check the VIN number and when I told them that the car was not in running condition they said that for $10 they would send a guy to my house to check the VIN.
    It was well worth the $10 just to be able to needle my Penn. friends about Delaware DMV making house calls.
    Does any other state make house calls?

    G's Dad

  6. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Don't need to share my story, you already did. That was a great prom. Jason

  7. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Sorry, I don't have any DMV stories. I came here from C.T. too and just like to check in to see how Liza has blossomed and to amaze myself at how incredibly productive one person can be.
    Suzanne from Canada

  8. Anonymous1:01 AM

    drive? as in a vehicle?? no, no, you do NOT want me out there on the roads.

    i never got my license in high school, like the rest of my classmates. no big deal, i wasn't allowed to have a car at college, anyway, so why bother, thought i?

    flash forward approximately 15 years, when my long-suffering chauffeur-husband was beginning to grumble about having to transport me everywhere. and so in secret, i was taught again to drive by a friend, took the test and passed the first time. oh, it didn't seem to matter that every single time i got behind the wheel, i developed tunnel vision - literally. and at 5 feet tall, it was not easy to see over the dashboard. and i really, really LOATHED the whole idea of driving.

    but, i had my license, and the next thing was to surprise my husband with the accomplishment. he, the wretched man, was underwhelmed by it all, and i was not too pleased as i hadn't really wanted to do it in the first place.

    he went up to his office, and i decided to get in our car in the driveway and do a little backing and turning just to get the feel of things, as i had learned on my friend's car and had never yet tried out ours....

    so i turned the key, started the motor, put it in what i thought was reverse, touched the gas lightly -- and promptly surged FORWARD, smack-dab into the garage door. the whole house shook. (it was a 1886 brick victorian carriage house, solid as a rock, but it shook, believe me.) my husband came racing out to see what the h*ll had happened, carefully checked over the car while i just sat there shaking in terror, and then saw that i had managed to push the garage door inwards about 12 inches -- and the darn thing was designed to slide horizontally, not raise upwards.

    that was over 20 years ago, and was the first AND last time i ever got behind the wheel of any vehicle. it will remain so. be very, very grateful, folks. you really, really DO NOT want me out there. the roads are much safer this way. trust me.

  9. Ahh, I missed the challenge, and don't have any DMV stories to tell. But, I'm posting ....well because you harassed me and made me feel guilty by posting on mine! (wink)

  10. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Ah the DMV, isn't it a wonderful place? No? I must be thinking of something else. My worst story was about 3 years ago. My daughter was 6 weeks old and I took her with me to get my license renewed. No big deal (or so I thought). When I got there with my 6 week old infant in tow, I was shuffled back and forth a few times between buildings and then I found out that I was driving with a suspended license. Seems that a speeding ticket I had received 7 months prior meant that I had to attend defensive driving and the notice had been sent to my previous address. I never received the notice, so I didn't do the course, and therefore my license was suspended. I left freaking out that they would call the cops and tell them I was driving without a license with a baby in my car. Irrational post-baby brain. Anyway, I took the course online and a few weeks later my license was reinstated. So yeah, I drove (very carefully) with a suspended license.
