Tuesday, January 15, 2008

By the numbers

  • Inches of snow on the ground before 9:30 this morning: 3ish
  • Time it takes to get Liza and I into snowsuits to go outside to shovel the walk so the contractors can make it to our door: 10 minutes
  • Time it takes to shovel the walk so the contractors can make it to our door: 5 minutes
  • Time it took the walk to snow back in after being shoveled: 10 minutes
  • Times the snowplow had done our street when we left for Liza's gym class this morning: 0
  • Times I had to scrape all the windows on the van this morning before I left for the gym: 2
  • Times on the way to the gym when I had to point the car in the right general direction and pray that's where the skid would take me: 4
  • Approximate number of miles of plowed roads between our house and the gym: 0.01 (the driveway and parking lot at the gym)
  • Times I had to scrape all the windows on the van after the gym class and after visiting Wal-Mart: 2
  • Times my antilock brakes kicked in on the way from Wal-Mart to our house: 3
  • Times the snowplow had done our street when we returned from Liza's gym class this morning: 0
  • Inches of snow on the ground right now: 6ish
  • Lazy Mama work time I'm going to waste using the snowblower, despite the forecast for more snow this afternoon: 45 minutes
  • Current temperature in the city where Jason is: 60F

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:14 PM

    A couple of numbers that are missing:
    Number of other folks at the gym
    Number of other cars crazy enough to be on the road
    Number of curse words used getting to the gym
    Number of grey hairs added today
    - MLF
