Monday, January 14, 2008

Day 6 (or 8 if you're counting calendar days, not working days)

Action shot! Guess who passed the rough electrical inspection this morning? I've got the viciously sticky stickers on my window to prove it, and a whole lot of new drywall.
"Look, you don't see any studs other than the ones I'm paying by the hour."
Continuing the vicious cycle of making my living room a completely useless disaster area, I bring you ... our hardwood flooring!
Drywall hanging took longer than expected, so they only assembled one cabinet today :(
But I'm a positive thinker - they have now assembled precisely 1/3 of the number of drawers I had in the previous kitchen (and one of those was only accessible when the dishwasher was open ... gahhh). And the new drawer is very accessible, what with not having any countertop on the cabinet yet :) And one of the guys pointed out that if they install the lower cabinets first, they can get the template for the Corian done sooner, which means I can get my sink back sooner, so it's a good thing that I sorted out the pieces for the base cabinets first. Hurrah for midnight mistakes! Hurrah for contractors who actually think about what their customers need to remain sane!

It doesn't matter to me that they're only 1/11th of the way through assembling the cabinets for the new design. Really.

... deep breaths ... put down the cordless screwdriver and back away slowly ... remember that Mom and Dad are going to be installing two Ikea kitchens later this year, and I'm sure they'd love to have my help when they do it. Right, enabler?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:08 AM

    The question is how to channel this assembly instincts?

    Perhaps it is time to get a table saw and develop your own cabinetry skills? Build your own couch?
    - MLF
