Friday, January 11, 2008

cabin fever

Liza has been getting the crazies every evening just about the time I need to start fixing dinner, and they last pretty much until we hit her on the head with a hammer to make her "sleep" around 9pm. They only got worse once we started packing up the living room and dining room stuff, to the point where she's been running around like a maniac, bouncing off of walls, especially right after dinner.

Last week we got in the habit of having Jason take care of the dishes while I devoted my full attention to keeping the kid from ending up in the ER. Her favorite games at the time was jumping in and out (and in and out and in and out) of the "swimming pool" made inside my legs when I sat on the floor with the soles of my feet together, and "riding the train." At some point she told me she wanted to dive into the pool, and she would have done it, too, if I hadn't tackled and redirected.

So introducing "cliff diving" was the logical next step, right? Because there are worse ways to burn off energy than doing somersaults off a side chair onto some sofa cushions.

And then, of course, we had to go for distance.

And height.

Jumping over sofa cushions - the game the whole family can play!

So remember when Liza was little and screamed 24/7 and I would occasionally refer to her as evil or possessed? Well, you be the judge. I'd say the comparison is pretty good.

(Couldn't find a shot of her on top of the building at the end of the movie with her hair blowing around her. Trust me, it's the same as Liza's, only brown and more moussey).


Anonymous said...

My children enjoy sitting on a cardboard box and sliding down the stairs. But, their favorite is to use the sleeping mats from camping and to tabogon(sp?) down the stairs.

Anonymous said...

Liza has developed the best imagination!

LazyTcrochet said...

hahaha cute little Ghostbuster