Sunday, February 26, 2006

Link I Like

A while ago Jason sent me a link that allows you to make your own church signs. You can find it here. This one is one of my favorites of the ones he sent me:

I thought it was appropriate to post this today since Liza has been demonstrating what we believe is a teething-induced 180 degree shift in temperament. Last week while I was painting she was Happy Baby, going down for naps easily and even sleeping through the night most of the time. Illustration of Happy Baby from Saturday afternoon:

Then yesterday as we were getting ready to have some people over for dinner it was like someone flipped a switch to Evil Demon Baby. Here's a photo of Evil Demon Baby, taken approximately two minutes after the shot I just posted:

You can't really get the full effect without the eardrum-splitting wail and video of her head spinning around like a top while blood streams down the walls ... okay, it wasn't that bad, but it WAS painful for all of us. Liberal doses of snuggling and Tylenol and frozen pizza crusts and Baby Einstein videos did bupkis for us, and you'd have thought we were trying to amputate something when we put her down at her normal bedtime, the screaming was so loud. She finally gave up the fight around 10:30, three hours after her recent bedtime. And then she fought the good fight at least twice later on last night, complete with wailing, flailing and general inconsolability. Good thing we had already declared this a Work-Free Weekend, because today none of us have the energy to work on anything more involved than eating.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link to the church signs.
- Heretical Frippery