Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Evil parenting trick #432

Want Grandpa to take the little stinker down to the park so you can actually take a shower without having to pick cat litter out of your daughter's hair afterward? Grandpa a little reluctant to be saddled with the responsibility? Get the two-year-old to ask nicely.

Liza: "mumble mumble please Grandpa walk mumble okay?"
Grandpa: "What was that, Shorty?"
Liza: "mumble please Grandpa take Liza for walk? Okay? Go to park? Jump rocks?"
Mom: "Oh, sweetie, I don't know if Grandpa wants to take you for a walk. Of course, he did just bring my old wagon back from the other house ...."
Liza: "Wagon! Walk wagon! Waaaaaaaaaggooooooooonnnnn!"

The guy is powerless to resist .... bwahahahahah!

1 comment:

Star said...

I love it!