Thursday, September 27, 2007

Some craft ideas are better left untried

Sure, it sounded like a good idea at the time. Give the kid a handful of toothpicks and a styrofoam craft ball and let her go to it. Hey, the toothpicks don't really stay in too well, so she gets to keep putting the same ones in over and over - brilliant way to keep her occupied for 45 minutes! And true, she is so inordinately fond of the porcupine she made that she has a raging fit if she forgets where she left it.

But ...

... the toothpicks won't stay in, which means that my entire house is littered with potential emergency room visits. And she keeps trying to make it climb up my back. And she has a screaming fit if she forgets where she left it, or, for example, if I insist that she NOT sleep with it in her bed. And she wants to carry it everywhere, despite the fact that she regularly runs into things and falls down for no discernible reason other than exhaustion.

But it seemed like such a good idea at the time ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perhaps straws might work?