Saturday, September 29, 2007

Crafty goodness

Does anyone remember that I finished one adult sock at Origins? I finished the other one before I left on vacation, I just never got around to posting a picture. So now I'm getting around to it.
No, you aren't imagining things - they aren't the same color. I got the yarn on clearance, and they only had single balls of any color, so I figured I'd just go for the "mismatched house sock" look. Good thing, too, since the cuffs are different styles of rib and different lengths, so even if they were the same color they wouldn't match particularly well, anyway. Now I can just say that I planned it this way!
Oh, and on vacation I finished another set of socks for Little Miss I Must Wear Slippers Or Slipper Socks To Bed, using leftovers from my mother's sweater. These are the softest, most cushy socks I've ever seen. Of course, they're so cushy that she can't actually fit any of her shoes over them, but as far as slippers go, they rock. Not that I have a photo of them ... just imagine these in a powdery blue, since it's the same pattern.

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