Monday, April 13, 2009

Good news / bad news

GOOD: The contractor didn't find any sign of mold inside the walls where the water leaked in this winter.
BAD: He said he didn't find any mold because there is so little insulation that the draft inside the wall had evaporated the water faster than the mold could grow. And we spent $600 to find out that there wasn't a problem in the wall after all.
AT LEAST: We were able to save some money by repainting the wall ourselves, and Liza was able to help with that.


GOOD: The endocrinologist says that my nodules don't look particularly worrisome on any of the scans he's seen, so we should just keep an eye on them and do another ultrasound every six months or so.
BAD: Another $600 in doctor and ultrasound costs to find out that there wasn't a problem after all.
AT LEAST: Nobody's going to be sticking a needle in my neck or asking me to ingest radioactive isotopes in the next six months.

GOOD: After two years of living with a guest bathroom with black tile floors, dark purple walls, and a black sink that showed every speck of toothpaste or shaving cream, we finally got the nerve up this weekend to rip it all out. And all the demolition work went as smoothly as could be expected, with things coming out in one piece and not taking out large chunks of wall with them.
BAD: Noticed this morning that the two coats of paint we put on the - for once! - properly prepared walls decided to make their own variety of faux finish over 90% of the room. AT LEAST: My husband works for Sherwin-Williams, and if anybody can figure out how to keep this from happening again, it's his buddies at work. And if I get lazy, I can claim I did the cracking intentionally and just hang pictures over the spots that aren't cracked.

GOOD: Our friends have adopted the friendliest, smartest, most adorable puppy in the world, and it loves nothing more than to come and sit on your lap whenever you sit down. Who's a cute little fluffy wuffigans?
BAD: All that attention paid to the dog makes the girls jealous. And Jason is really, really allergic to dogs.AT LEAST: I have a large enough lap to accommodate them all. Well, Jason might have to wait for a separate turn.

GOOD: Liza got to go to the Easter egg hunt at our friends' neighborhood, where all of the 14 billion eggs were ridiculously easy to find, and there were so many that the kids ran out of interest before anyone ran out of eggs to find.

BAD: It was like 40 degrees, and the kid is going to be hopped up on sugar (or whining to get more sugar) from now until Labor Day.

AT LEAST: She's willing to share the good stuff with me.

1 comment:

  1. May all of your medical tests come back with "Don't worry about it."
