Sunday, March 15, 2009


1. Listening to Liza read a (mostly memorized) book with appropriate inflections and acting. "I am NOT A HAPPY PIG!!!!!!!" vs. "I am not (sniff) a happy pig."

2. "Doesn't that goulash recipe take like 3 hours to prepare?" "Yes. Oh, crap." "I guess I'd better get started on it while you finish cleaning your sewing room." Dude is fixing me dinner. Awwwwwesome.

3. Bella has totally become a painkiller addict - the fact that she comes and prostitutes herself in front of me helps me remember when it's time for her next dose. Plus, I haven't seen her leap this high in years. She's going to be pissed when the doses run out tomorrow.

4. Sorting through a bunch of my old patterns and graphs and realizing just how prolific my crafting has been.

5. Days when it's just barely warm enough to forego the coat and have the freedom to run errands in just a sweatshirt and jeans.

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