Sunday, March 30, 2008


Yesterday my daughter announced that her doll's name is "Falconer."

WTF? Where did that come from? It doesn't sound remotely like any real names in any of the books we read, so she must have picked it up at school ... but still ... Falconer? WTF? We've got to stop leaving Jason's D&D books laying around now that she's getting better at recognizing letters and words, I guess.

Falconer. Did I mention, WTF?


Anonymous said...

Has she been watching old SNL episodes? There is a bizzare repeating skit called Falconer that they do.

Anonymous said...

mimi, are you watching SNL episodes?

Unknown said...

Falconer. At least its more creative than what my daughter names everything. Girl. Everything is just plain ol' "girl" to her.