Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Might be time to start cooking again

This is what happens when we live primarily off of leftovers for two or three weeks. Any time I can see both sides, the back, and the bottom of my freezer, it's a sign I need to haul out the soup pot and start cooking in bulk. Double recipe of Tomato Gorgonzola Soup, anyone?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just cooked up a pair of beef tongues for dinner last night. They cooked for 4 hours at 300F in a pot of chicken stock w/ Italian spices, pound of garlic, and assorted root vegetables. After cooking, the skin of the tongue is easy to peal away and then the meat can be sliced like a roast. Boiled down the juice into a gravy. It was really good and tongue is really inexpensive.

The 2nd grader and the kindergardener happily took slices of tongue in their lunchbox.