Monday, May 12, 2008

Well, imagine that

I got Volume 2 of Sesame Street: Old School on dvd a couple weeks ago, and Liza loves it, despite the complete and total absence of Elmo. Who'd have thought that kids' tv from 30 years ago would hold up so well? Go figure!

And while watching over her shoulder when I'm supposed to be editing a new pattern, I just learned how a water faucet works, with interior diagrams and everything. Thanks, Sesame Street - that was cool. Doesn't help me figure out how to get our shower to stop leaking without busting out the whole wall, but it was informative just the same.

And did I mention, No Elmo? NO ELMO! THANK YOU JEEBUS, NO ELMO!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Amberlynn said...

AAAAMEN sister.