Monday, April 06, 2009

I get it naturally

So when the folks at the Kalmar Nyckel decided to honor Senator Carper last weekend, who did they ask to make the award?

My dad. Because he's all kinds of awesome.

I tried to convince him to go to the awards banquet, but the thought of renting a tux for the first time since my wedding was enough to prevent that from happening. Probably a good thing he didn't go, because he would have been all, "It was nothing, Senator, and besides, you can see the tiniest bit of endgrain in this part here, and speaking of endgrain, did I ever tell you about the time ..." and after fifteen minutes the senator's handlers would have had to pry him away from my father.

Anyway, since Dad is too technophobic to set up an etsy shop, and not motivated enough to do craft shows with any regularity, he doesn't get a lot of feedback from "regular" people. I know we're not exactly normal around here at Chez Mind-Flush, but let's give him some props here anyway, okay?

All those who think my dad's awesome, raise your hand! Or at least post a comment for him.

We now return you to our regularly scheduled program of bitching about the snow and posting cute kid photos.


Anonymous said...


mlf said...

That's way cool.

So, when are you going to setup an Etsy shop for him?

Nancy said...

Wow -- that's really beautiful! I'd love to know more details about it -- how big is it, what kind of techniques did he use to make it, is it stained or is that just the beauty of the wood, etc?

Great job -- and what an honor to be asked to create it!

Anonymous said...

WOW!!!! Yes, you do come by it naturally! Your dad has a serious gift - that award is so beautiful. I liked the yarn holder that he made too (because it was so cute) - but this is breathtaking! Great Job Gretchen's Dad!


John Harris said...

Your dad is definitely awesome.

Anonymous said...

Really cool.