Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Easter/baptismal frock photos

I couldn't quite manage to get the photos taken before she pulled her shoes off ... I may need to bring a roll of duct tape if I want them to stay on when we get her picture taken with the bunnies on Thursday. The dress is a little on the generous side, but I suppose that beats the alternative, and maybe she'll be able to wear it again this fall.


Gretchen said...

Dude, it's for her BAPTISM (and for getting her Easter photos taken with the live bunnies tomorrow). God smites those who don't dress their little girls in pink, doesn't He?

And no, nobody has tried the cheek-pinching yet. They'd probably lose a finger if they tried ... she's got one tooth and she's not afraid to use it :)

Anonymous said...

She is so adorable! You will never convince me that she was the demon child you wrote about...
As for the inevitable mess that comes with babies, try carrying the baby wipes with you in your purse. They clean up baby pretty well and can be used to get goo off Mom, too.

Anonymous said...

Too too precious! She is pretty in pink.
