Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Not quite what I was expecting

Yesterday I had a few minutes to chip away at our godforsaken, ankle-deep-in-mud, twig-strewn wasteland of a backyard, and I was surprised to find this:

The latent Girl Scout in me was fascinated, so I searched around, and about five feet away I found this:
... and this ...
... and this ...

... and a whole bunch more. Apparently there was a deer parade in our background recently, and I didn't even have to issue invitations. Thanks to the number of twigs, acorns, mossy areas, dead leaves, and other junk on the ground, it's hard to track them exactly, but I'm pretty sure I can see where the deer went across the yard and then possibly back the way he/she/they came. And given the depth of the tracks and how far apart they are, either this was a giant deer, or a smaller deer moving pretty fast.

The best part for me? They came nowhere near the remains of the garden, which still has a couple raggedy bars of Dial hanging nearby. Score! Looks like we might not need to fly my father-in-law (and his guns) out this spring after all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But you may need to invite your father-in-law to address the beaver issues.