Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Art therapy

"How Liza feels at school"

"There were two ballet dancers who were fighting. A baby ballerina came and said, 'No fighting,' so then they were friends."

Note the use of a baseline, which according to some "experts" is rare in 3-yr-olds:

Use of a base line
Indicating space
relates everything else on the page - at 3 - 1% use baseline - at 8 - 96% use baseline
Conscious relationship is between child and environment
outdoors: base for things to stand on, character of landscape, surface flowers, trees, buildings, machines, animals and people all stand on this base

I told you she's a genius :)

"There was a really messed-up ballet dancer who was afraid to go on the stage, but her mommy came with her and stood by her and she did a beautiful dance and everyone clapped for her."

Liza wrote me a story.

Picture of zig-zags and rain. "And it kept raining and the seawater kept getting deeper and deeper."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Either that, or she is having visions of how jellyfish reproduce