Sunday, July 12, 2009

Thank you, Pete the Shirtless Redneck Neighbor

Just like last year, our shirtless redneck neighbor and his buddies emptied a fireworks store in order to entertain themselves on the 4th of July. But this time, we were ready for them.
I'm not sure which makes me more proud - the fact that I got a shot of my family lit up by the fireworks, or the fact that it only took me two tries to do it. Go, me!

Oh, and in case anyone was wondering, I am NOT exaggerating the size of this display. I took this photo just before the trash truck arrived to cart away the debris the week after the 4th. I think one can of that is actual household garbage; the rest is fireworks packaging.

1 comment:

MrsHappy7105 said...

Awesome display! Thanks Pete the Shirtless Redneck Neighbor. It makes me want to live in your neighborhood that much more knowing that you have such an awesome personal display of firepower at your disposal.