Saturday, December 29, 2007

We interrupt the Christmas cheer to bring you Too Much Information

It started in August.

It continued through October.

And November.

By early December my regular doctor was back to "well, maybe it's yeast, so here's some diflucan (again), but if it comes back you'd better go to a gynecologist." Oh, and I don't have diabetes.

I'm thinking that when the gynecologist I met yesterday asked, "How are you?" she probably wasn't expecting me to reply, "Great, if you ignore the last six months of fiery itching in my nether regions." I was supposed to say, "Fine, and you?" right? Darn my underdeveloped social skills!

After poking and prodding and culturing and sampling and answering a million questions, I got a "Well, I don't know what to tell you." That's doctor-speak for "WTF?" She doesn't think it's yeast, doesn't know what it would be other than yeast based on my symptoms, and since she doesn't know what it is, there's not much she can prescribe to help relieve the symptoms. Have a happy new year! And try not to scratch!

That ranks right up there with "Your cat has cancer - happy Thanksgiving!" on the list of "phrases you don't want to put on a holiday greeting card."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I have an odd ich, I find that sunshine is helpful. The UV heat seems to make everything feel better.

So, in your free afternoons in the middle of January, have you considered nude sunbathing on your patio?