Sunday, February 01, 2009


1. The giant 10' tall snowman our neighbors built last week, which included a 5-gallon bucket hat, a beer bottle coming out of the mouth, and both skis and ski poles. And I think they spray-painted the middle ball black ... either that, or I don't really want to know where they got that snow.

2. The fact that the giant skier snowman got covered with snow earlier this week and turned into The Giant Klansnowman. Wish I had gotten a photo before the snow melted off the pointy hood-looking part.

3. When our neighbors visited this weekend, the first thing they said was, "Hey, did you notice that the snowman down the street looks like a Klansman?" That's why we're friends, right there.

4. Totally '80s weekend on the local radio station, especially when a song** from the first cassette tape I ever owned comes on and I'm alone in the car and can really crank it up for the first time in three years.

5. It was 40 degrees today***, which means for the first time this year I could go outside without a hat without risking hypothermia before making it to the mailbox. I felt like imitating Liza and running around in my bathing suit, it was such a welcome change.

**Bet you never would have guessed this one:

*** We took advantage of the weather to use a sledgehammer, claw hammer, paint scrapers, chisel, garden shovel and hoe to hack some drainage trenches through our 8" thick ice dams. Fun fun fun! Next time I think I'm going to rent one of those portable blowtorches they use for burning off weeds. That would work, right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Or just pour some gasoline on the roof?

Oh, wait, maybe that might create some other problems. At least you wouldn't worry about the water damage from the ice dam.