Thursday, July 26, 2007


Last week we got a real whopper of a rainshower, complete with thunder and lightning and rain falling so hard it was difficult to see across the street. This occurred right before dinner, and Liza was determined to go out in the downpour. I managed to stall her until after dinner, telling her we could go out and play in the puddles after the rain slowed down a little.

She was EXTREMELY displeased when it stopped raining completely and the sun came out, and insisted on suiting up and going out to look for puddles anyway.

Raincoat: Land's End, courtesy of my mother-in-law. Umbrella: summer clearance sale at Target. Rainboots: table centerpiece from my babyshower back in 2005, courtesy of Joy. Yes, Joy, I did save them all this time, and yes, she loves them. And not just for rainstorms ...That's Liza splashing around in the river near our house, which has a decent amount of water in it for the first time since we've moved here. It's still only about 6" deep in the "deep" parts where we go, but Liza was into the whole wading thing.

That second photo is from my phone, by the way, which takes better photos than it does video. It's still not spectacular, but it was better than hauling the big one around with me. Now that I've finally figured out how to get the photos out of the phone and onto my computer, I'll have to share some of the ones that have been stuck in there since I got the phone.


Kimberly said...

I seem to remember you posting previously about wanting to be that mom that let's the kid(s) play in the creek. Way to go!

Anonymous said...

My kids believe that there is nothing half as much fun as stomping in puddles.

Alright, maybe throwing rocks into puddles.