Thursday, July 19, 2007

I'm so proud that I didn't lose it

The last few days, putting the kid to sleep during her "normal" naptime has just been the beginning of a two-hour-long whine&play session in her room followed by conking out on the couch around 5pm. So yesterday I decided I was going to just wait until she looked like she was tired to even suggest the whole nap thing.

Around 2pm we were playing in my room, rolling around on the bed and doing gymnastics and tickling. She suddenly grabbed Jason's pillow and started trying to burrow her face into it, saying, "Liza sleep here."
"Okay, do you want some covers?"
"Yeah, want covers. Where posse?"
"They're in your room. I'll go get them for you."
I leave the room, practically giddy with the thought of actually having an hour or two to work on something during the afternoon. I return with the posse, and she's under the covers in our bed, eyes slitted open, slurring her words.
"Thank you, mama. Liza sleep here. Night night."
Giving a mental "WOOHOO!!!" I kiss her goodnight and head for the door. Before I can get there, Liza pops out of bed and says "All done! Let's go outside!"


She finally took her nap at 4:30, after getting really sleepy on the couch and depositing about 1/2 gallon of pee between the sofa cushions without bothering to tell me until the video was over.

I got her to sleep last night by 10:30.

Mantra of the week: Must ... not ... open ... bourbon ... before ... 4pm ...


Anonymous said...

There are many things in my life for which I am thankful. However, I most thankful for the fact that my children go to sleep easily.

You have my sympathy (and I have your antipathy?)

Sonia said...

Hilarious! I can relate to the frustration of missing a naptime. Although Nolan still takes 2 naps a day, today he is refusing to take an afternoon nap and has a ton of energy. We're having company tonight,so - of all days . . .BTW, we miss you!