Saturday, July 14, 2007


As predicted, it's not a whopper.

More like a White Castle burger when the manager gets stingy.

Not that there were any complaints ... I love that she has to cross her eyes to even see the corn.

Apparently aiming is much easier when you have a stationary target.

Finishing up the last few kernels Liza missed.

Oh, and in case anyone thought these photos looked a little familiar, check out the entry from a year and a week ago. Yep, they're still eating raw corn, despite the change in venue.


Anonymous said...

Big difference: this corn was talked to, lovingly watered, admired .... great example for the kid to learn that some food grows in the garden, not in the produce isle! K's mom

Anonymous said...

Why does that corn look so weird? I've made home grown corn and it didn't have big, weird, kernels like that. Is it a special kind?