Monday, October 01, 2007

Is it just me?

or is the video for this product kind of disturbing? (link for video is in bottom right corner of main window)

I don't know about you, but if my tea starts to move, it's going down the garbage disposal. Plus, the finished "bouquet" looked like something my cat hacked up. Nothing says "love" like Hairball Tea.


Anonymous said...

This would be a great stocking stuffer! My in-laws would love it!

oh, wait... I'm jewish... my in-laws are jewish... we don't do stockings... oh...
maybe it would still work for hannukah?

Anonymous said...

I saw these in a catalog the other day and thought the same thing! It looks like something you would skim out of the pond.

I loved your Dad's Delaware DMV story. My husband has worked as an engineer at DelDOT for over thirty two years and did not know the DMV made house calls. The local newspapers make such a big deal out of how lazy state employees are-especially at DelDOT.