Friday, August 31, 2007

A picture is worth ...

Three pee accidents, one poop accident, but she stayed clean and dry from about 10:30 until 7pm, including her nap, which is like a major miracle. And, oh yeah, she pooped on the potty and got her toenails painted as a reward. Next up: fingernails.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness we were able to stop at pee-pee and poo-poo candies with our kids. As they caught on, we would have had to resort to face painting and free-hand tatoos. They would have looked like they belonged on a Harley.

Then again, my kids were pushing four when they got the concept. They were old enough to "game" the system. They would squeeze our a little, get their reward, and then go squeeze out a little more for yet another reward.