Friday, August 10, 2007

Okay, so I'm supposed to be sleeping, but ...

Oh. My. God. Where's my Visa card? What good is a huge backyard if you can't stick one of these in it? Can you imagine the look on my neighbors' faces if I put the gas station model in my backyard, after sticking a satellite dish in the front yard?

(believe it or not, my cousin built one of these (only better, quite frankly) from scratch for his seven kids, only it's a treehouse that's sitting on a huge stump in their yard. And he designed it all himself, complex angles and everything. How cool is that?)

(yes, seven kids. They're trying to take up my slack, I guess)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It appears that the price per square foot of the playhouse is higher than the price of your beautiful new house.
