Friday, November 02, 2007


So I stopped using the new birth control pills, and so far most of my symptoms have lessened or completely disappeared. Most notably, I think my Irrationally Angry days were down to about 12 hours total (instead of three days), and my Headaches Of Sickening Intensity were gone.

That is, until Thursday afternoon, when I got a headache for the first time in a month. Oh, god, I've just postponed it. But it didn't feel quite the same, so I took two Motrin, put the kid down for a nap, and sat down for a relaxing bout of sewing feverishly to finish stuff for my craft show.

And for the first time in six months, the headache went away. Gone! Poof! Just like they're supposed to when you throw massive amounts of pharmaceuticals at them! It was like a miracle, only more productive! It made me so happy, I feel the need to use exclamation points at least three times in every paragraph from now on!

So basically, screw the Pill, I'm going all natural for the first time since 1991 (excluding the months for conception and pregnancy and breastfeeding). Hurrah for fewer symptoms! Hurrah for saving money on prescriptions! Hurrah for exclamation points!


Kimberly said...

Yipee for you. Of course the au natural method can have some nasty side effects too. ;) Glad to hear that you're headaches are gone.

Anonymous said...

Go for an IUD!

It is like going natural but you still get to have sex. It lasts for 10 years. It is effective. You don't have to remember to get pills. And insurance covers it!