Monday, January 28, 2008

Snow Day

Liza's reward for making it through storytime at the library without raising a ruckus: a trip to the river next door. This week I remembered to bring the camera ...

I can't figure out why it takes so long to walk down to the river ... oh, yeah - we have to stop to contemplate every single leaf that isn't covered in snow.


Perfect hiking clothes - bellbottoms with inset paisley velvet panels!

Compare with earlier video of the same area.

For my mother - yes, I kept a viselike grip on her 90% of the time when we were anywhere near the river, and I showed her how to scrape off the snow to make sure we were standing on rocks, not ice.

The other 5% of the time - come on, it was too cute to pass up.

Squeaky snow is perfect for snowmen ...

... and throwing snowballs (joke's on her - the snowballs kept sticking to her gloves, so she'd try to throw them at me and they'd just sort of plop off 2" in front of her) ...

... and eating, of course. From the pristine snow on top of the bridge, which had no tracks or discolorations anywhere near it, and was only sampled 1/2 of the way through so we didn't get any bridge scrapings. And it tasted exactly the way snow tasted when I was a kid, pollution be damned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww, Mom! The road salt gives the snow flavor.